Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

It's that time of year again... where we start reflecting back over the past 12 months and looking at what we've accomplished and where we fell short. This year is a little different for me. Usually I'm always ready for the year to end and another to begin. Christmas is a great way to wrap up the year, but the New Year always offers a new beginning and a chance to start over. I'm a big fan of starting over. I like that feeling of moving into the next phase fresh and with a clean slate, and that's what the New Year has always brought. But this year, I'm going to be sad to see 2010 go. This has by far been the most monumental year of my life. So many of those major life events happened in the past 52 weeks. So here's my TOP 10 OF 2010:
1. I got engaged on February 13, 2010 to the most amazing guy.
2. We bought a house together
3. I spent a weekend in the hospital
4. I moved... twice!
5. Jarrod graduated from NCSU
6. I planned a wedding in 5 months.
7. I married the love of my life on July 24, 2010
8. I moved in with a boy!
9. We started a family with our puppy, Rylie
10. I learned what it's really like to be an adult.
I don't think you can get much more packed into 1 year than that!
I've been on my own for over 2 years now, but this year taught me a lot about responsibility. I've had to deal with a real budget and learn how to live within those means. I've had to take into consideration that pretty much all of my decisions now not only affect me, but affect my husband as well. I've had to balance family and friends and puppies!
But now, I'm sad to see such an amazing year of excitement and celebration and growth move into the past. At the same time, it makes me excited to see what 2011 will bring. I've already got a lot to be excited about: my sister's wedding, 25th birthday (ok, maybe "excited" isn't the right word), 1st anniversary, my puppy no longer being such a puppy. I like to go into each year planning for it to be better than the last, although 2010 is going to be pretty tough to beat, but I'm gonna give it my best shot!
So from our house to yours, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!

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