Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gone to Carolina in my Mind

Chapel Hill touts itself as "The Southern Part of Heaven," and honestly, I couldn't agree more. Some of the best memories of my life take place in this beautiful town and I love being close enough to visit whenever I want. However, I'm often disappointed that I don't visit more often then I do, especially since it takes hardly more than half and hour to make it to campus from my house.

But the other week, my lovely co-grad Sarah and I made the trip back to the The Hill to hang out. It was great. We walked up and down Franklin Street, browsing through the boutiques and novelty shops along the way and stopping by Sugarland for ginger ales (in the bottle, just to further along the Mayberry feel). Then we strolled through campus and of course made a stop at The Pit to sit around for a while. Campus is so quiet this time of year. It's nice, but I also miss the craziness of a normal class day on campus.

Carolina is a great place to get away. It still has the same feel of home that it did four years ago. I assume that all college campuses can have this effect of those who attend school there, but it's a feeling I could never describe to anyone who didn't go there, but for those who did, they know exactly what I mean. Carolina takes me back to a simpler time of no rules or responsibilities and monthly checks from your parents. (Man, I miss those days!) The campus will always have a special place in my heart and I'm so thankful that I don't have to actually travel to get back.

I look forward to the day where I can share this experience with my family and I pray that they find a similar place that they can call their home-away-from-home (whether that place is Chapel Hill or somewhere else).

Hark the sound of Tar Heel voices
Ringing clear and true.
Singing Carolina's praises.
Shouting N-C-U.
Hail to the brightest star of all
Clear its radiance shine
Carolina priceless gem.
Receive all praises thine.

I'm a Tar Heel born
I'm a Tar Heel bred
And when I die
I'm a Tar Heel dead.
So it's Rah, Rah, Car'lina-lina
Rah, Rah, Car'lina-lina
Rah, Rah, Car'lina-lina
Go to hell, Dook!

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