There are officially no cute alliterations to use for a November post! What am I supposed to say? Nice November?
Anyways, I can't believe we are officially into the Holiday Season. Every year it comes faster and faster. But once we're into November, I don't mind seeing the Christmas decorations starting to go up. I, personally, do not start "celebrating" until after Thanksgiving. I believe in giving attention to one holiday at a time. Plus, I'm much too big of a Thanksgiving fan to let Christmas totally steal the spotlight. But at the same time, this is the month for getting everything ready for Christmas: buying decorations and shopping for presents and picking out what you want other people to buy for you! And I think having malls and stores already decorated really gets you into that mood and makes it more fun. Now stores that are decorated before Halloween... I think that's ridiculous.
But I started off my month right this time. I had to day off (because who wants to have to go into work at 4:30am the day after Halloween?) so I took to the opportunity to sleep in a little and stop by Dunkin Donuts for a coffee. I pampered myself a little with some shopping at Urban Outfitters and a pedicure, so I once again have pretty toes! I chose "Don't Toy With Me" as my color (and yes, I do choose my nail color based on the name). I ended the evening with my wonderful family (sans husband...) to celebrate my mother's birthday. It was a great evening, but I'm feeling it now because it's always so hard to leave family gatherings and I didn't get up getting to bed until about 10 last night, when my alarm is set for 3am.
But as we move into the holidays, the month is already filling up. Jarrod's still in Canada for another 3 days (eesh), the engagement party is coming up, so lots of party planning over the next week-and-a-half, we've got tickets to see STOMP with a big group of friends (I'm so excited!), and then here comes Thanksgiving!
Last month I said I wanted to focus on me and I think I did a good job of that. I've been feeling pretty good over the past couple weeks and I have another dose of the new meds coming up in less that 2 weeks, so I'm excited to see where things go from there.
I have 2 sets of goals for this month. The first are a couple of health-related goals and the second are my personal goals.
Health Goals
-I realized this morning (not for the first time) how tense I am pretty much all the time. I want to get up some sort of stretching regiment. That's always so hard to start, but healthwise, I think it's necessary for me. Need to drill that into my head!
-Also, I've fallen out of the habit of taking some OTC meds that I really need to be taking. Need to start that up again.
Personal Goals
-Party Planning! And, of course, actually throwing a fabulous engagement party!
-Read! ...something! I should probably pick this out by the beginning of the month. That way I'm probably more likely to stick to it. I'll try to figure something out today.
-Help put on a great Thanksgiving dinner with both of my families.
-Finish Christmas shopping. Doable? I have no idea.
-Decorate for Christmas!! (After Thanksgiving, of course)
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