Sunday, August 29, 2010

Awake... and Alive?

I'm currently on the early morning shift at work (thus the reason I'm writing this blog at 6am on a Sunday and not sleeping in like I should be). By "early morning" I mean most of the cars I see on the roads on my way to work are people returning home from the night before, rather than starting their day like I am. 

This has it's benefits: I'm off from work by noon everyday (as least theoretically), I don't have to deal with rush-hour traffic, I can actually run errands without dealing with crazy lines...

But on the other side: I have to be in bed by 6:30 every "night", when the sun's still up (one reason I actually do like the winter months), I have to transition my sleep schedule as I go in-and-out of the weekend, and sometimes end up awake at odd hours, I don't get a lot of opportunities to see people during the week, namely my husband. 

So I've officially been married for 36 days now to the most amazing man in the world! He's been my biggest support over the past 4 1/2 years that we've known each other. Whenever anyone asks my what I love the most about him, I say that he balances me out. I tend to freak out over very trivial things, and he brings me back to earth and shows me the big picture and keeps me from having a nervous break-down. As the cliche goes, he's my rock.

I've thought about joining the blogging world for a while now... actually years. I started a blog probably 3 years ago now, and I think it lasted about 2 entries. But now, I want to get back to the basics in my life. I feel that I've become unsatisfiable (if that's a word) over the past couple of years. My life has consisted of looking for the next best thing, and while I don't consider that necessarily a "bad" thing, because I want to always be striving for something, I don't want to live the rest of my life feeling like "If I could just fix this one thing, then everything would be perfect." 

I feel I've lost track of the lifetime goals that I have. When I was still in elementary school, I decided that I wanted to be a writer. I even started writing a novel (yes, it was very insightful... an 11 year old trying to write a romance novel, humorous). And all these years later, I keep coming back to that: writing. 

I've gotten so completely out of the habit of writing. I've always liked creative writing, and you don't get too much experience with that in college unless it's part of your major (which mine wasn't). My previous job had me writing, albeit that was journalism and not creative, but now it's been almost 2 years since I've done much of anything.

So I'm putting this out there as my way of exercising the writing part of my brain, and as a way to keep me more on track towards my goals... one being eventually getting a book published. So I'm ready to wake up and start pursuing that in my life. No more wondering when I'll finally get there...

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