I was going to call this post "My September Goals," but I stopped at "My September" because I thought it sounded much more poetic. That being said, I cannot believe it's already September! I can no longer say, "I got married last month." Moreover, I am excited that Fall and cooler temperatures are on their way. I have a hard time wishing away the Summer because, let's be honest, once it's Fall it's basically Halloween, which is basically Thanksgiving, which is basically Christmas, which is basically 2011, which is basically the dead of Winter! I LOVE everything about Fall... the changing leaves, wearing sweaters and boots, the relief from the heat, the start of the Holidays... except that it's much too short and eventually I'll just end up cold ALL THE TIME. However, I do have a new Coach coat that I haven't had a chance to wear, so I guess it's not all bad. But this year's super hot temperatures (which by the way, I just learned this morning that the National Weather Service has determined that this year's June-July-August are the hottest on record) have made me very tired with the Summer and ready for a change. And that's what the Fall is all about: Change. One of my favorite songs of all times, that I haven't listened to in forever is Nichole Nordeman's "Every Season." It paints a perfect picture of what's so special and beautiful about each season as it comes and goes. (I found a homemade youtube video of this song)
But my point today is to determine my goals for this coming month. I was inspired by one of my favorite people, Mrs. Nancy Ray and her blog where she is always updating her goals and what has been accomplished. I've decided to start off slow, because I can totally see myself overloading on goals that there's no way I can accomplish in 30 days.
1. Finish writing and send out Thank You notes for the wedding.
I know! I'm so behind! But Thank You notes are the bane of my existence. I hate them more than doing laundry, which or some reason is a lot. The hard part is that I am so thankful and appreciative to everyone who was a part of the wedding and who was so generous to me and my husband, and I want them to know how thankful I am... I just wish I didn't have to do it in the form of a Thank You note.
2. Start reading a classic.
I haven't read a classic in a while. Let me rephrase that: I haven't FINISHED reading a classic in a while. Just the other day, a friend of mine showed me a list of "Books to Read before You Die" she'd gotten in high school and I think I'm going to pick something off of there. I'm currently reading a much more recent publication, so that means I gotta buckle down and finish it in order to start a new one.
3. Attempt to make something from "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"
I won Julia Child's book in a drawing last month and I've wanted to go for a test run. I made dinner the other night for my parents and parents-in-law and thought about trying something out of there, but then realized I was probably being too ambitious. Even if it's the simplest entry in that whole book, I'm gonna give it a whirl this month.
4. Start forming a concept for a story.
I just want to start forming an idea in my mind. I used to do this, but I've fallen out of the habit, so I'm going to go buy a composition book and start putting down any ideas whenever they come to me. Sometimes I think I feel that I have to have some great inspiration and get swept away by these characters in my head in order to write a good story, but I know that's not how it usually happens. So I'm going to start plotting. And so it begins...
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