What an awful week! I've been a little MIA ever since I got my wisdom teeth out the other week. It's been 10 days, and I feel like I'm just now getting back on track.
The whole experience wasn't at all what I thought it would be. I remember sitting in the dental chair last Friday with this weird elephant looking thing over my nose which was giving me laughing gas. Now, I'd never had laughing gas before and it was a very strange experience. My head started swimming a little and my tongue felt very large in my mouth and I did have a strange urge to laugh for no apparent reason, but I tried my best to keep my giggles to myself. I also had a number of strange thoughts pass through my head as they were putting me under the anesthesia. I wish I could remember what they all were, but I do remember that I was amused by my thoughts and said to myself that it would make a great book if we could record all the strange thoughts that pass through people's minds right before they go under anesthesia. Yah, I was definitely kinda loopy.
Then of course you wake up a little bit later with a banging headache and a couple of large holes in the back of your mouth. Those first couple of days were miserable. I could only eat apple sauce and pudding, and I hardly kept any of that down. I pretty much didn't eat anything for about 5 days and even had to go home sick after a couple of hours at work last Monday. After that, I decided I needed to go for something a bit more solid and had just about the best meal of my life of grilled salmon, mashed potatoes and broccoli casserole from O'Charley's. I felt 100 times better after actually eating some food.
So now, it's 10 days after the fact, but my teeth still kinda hurt and I have to still be careful when I'm chewing and try to stick to the right side of my mouth (where I only had 1 tooth out). I go back tomorrow for a check up, so here's hoping that all's well.
I can't help but at least be grateful that I got this over with when I did. Can you imagine spending Thanksgiving Day worrying about what you're eating?? And let me go ahead and throw out there that Thanksgiving is arguably my favorite day of the year. I mean, it's a holiday that's completely structured around a meal. What's better than that??
So now it's time to focus on better things, like the fact that Thanksgiving is only 3 days away and then I get to decorate for Christmas! Can't wait!
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