Monday, January 3, 2011

And Another Year Begins

Well, I'm a couple of days late on the whole start-of-the-month/year goals. Blame it on the long weekend I took. My mind was just on vacation!

But here we are starting off 2011. Looking ahead, it looks starkly different than the past year. (However, as of January 3rd last year, I didn't know how much the year had in store for me.) There are still some very exciting things coming up: I already have 3 weddings planned (including my sister, my bestest friend, and another close friend) and know of 3 babies on the way (my cousin, Jarrod's cousin, and my future sister-in-law). So there will be lots going on with all of those events.

My plan for this year is going to be more focused on "settling in." Settling into the house, settling into marriage, settling into puppy parenthood. I had so many things going on last year that I didn't really have the chance to focus on myself and my growth. I hope that's what this year will bring.

And with that, here are my plans for the coming year:

-I want to read more. I think a book a month is a good goal to set, maybe more, once I get into the swing of things. I'm going to be starting off with a wonderful gift and recommendation from my best friend Rea: The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
-Start walking Rylie every day. I got out of the habit when it got cold and sometimes it's just easier to let her play in the backyard instead, but we could both really use the exercise!
-Finish the house. By this, I mean that I want to have each room clean and decorated. I don't mean that I want to complete everything I want to change in the house. But I want to repaint several rooms, hang up curtains in the bedrooms, make the guest bedroom (which has become a sort of "junk room") presentable and hang up some pictures and other things in those rooms as well.
-Cook healthier meals. This isn't a diet or a major change. I just want to include more fruits and vegetables and less sweets. (The holidays really got me hooked on sugar!)
-Set up a more definitive budget and stick to it! We've had a budget this whole time, but I want to really hone it down, cut some things out, make sure we have some spending and savings cash and then stick to it!
-Have a significant portion of a manuscript complete. I want to say just "completed," but I'm not sure if I'm ready to commit to that just yet.

So for this month:
-I'm going to have at least one chapter written. I've been doing some planning and research, but it's time to get some words on paper. Even if I end up throwing out the whole thing later, the process is starting!
-Look into graduate degree programs. It's something I've been thinking about for a while, so I want to see what my options are as far as time and cost.
-Put up picture collage in living room. Finally got some pictures printed off!
-Have a fabulous birthday celebration for my husband!
-And celebrate the wedding of my best friend in the whole world!

Time to get moving! HAPPY NEW YEAR, once again!

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much. Your goals sound a lot like mine. Miss you and can't wait to see you soon!


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