Well, like many of you out there, I experienced my first earthquake today. I've lived in North Carolina my entire life, and have never had anything like that happen. My mom probably thinks we're all a bunch of pansies because she grew up in California and knows what a "real" earthquake feels like. But after our little tremor here along the East coast, I'm satisfied with saying that I never need to feel that again.
Jarrod and I have been talking about refinancing our home. I know we've only been here a year, but the rates are so much lower now and we've been looking into moving to a 15-year mortgage and saving ourselves a boat-load of interest. So I was on the phone with a mortgage broker when it happened. It was funny, because she said, "I think we're having an earthquake," and I sort of laughed because I knew she was working from home and figured her kids were running around and she was making a joke. But no. Then, my house started shaking. Nothing too major happened here, but enough that I was trying to figure out what was the most valuable thing I should grab to make sure it doesn't break. But the shaking didn't last long enough for me to actually make a move to save anything. I could hear the glasses jingling and see the metal piece that we have on our mantle shaking. It lasted somewhere from 30 seconds to a minute, I'd estimate.
Immediately afterwards, I hopped on twitter and saw my feed lighting up with, "Was that just an earthquake?!" Then the news organizations started chiming in saying it was a 5.8 (or so... I'm hearing conflicting reports) out of Virginia and it was felt all the way to Canada. Now I've realized that commenting on anyone's Facebook status was a mistake, because I'm getting tons of emails of the "also commented" type.
So there's my story. My first (and hopefully only) earthquake. Mom, please don't make fun of us too much.
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