Monday, March 7, 2011


Well, here I am on my final day of being 24. In just under 7 hours it will be my birthday and I will officially leave my early twenties behind (although 24's already arguably not "early" 20s anymore). I'm a little nervous, although I'm not sure why. I guess once you're 25 you're supposed to really be an adult and that's an unnerving feeling.

I think somewhere in the back of my mind I have this nagging feeling of, "you should've accomplished more by now." But when I look at my life, I think I've really done well for myself. At this point I'm married to the man of my dreams, we actually own our own home, I have a good job and career, we have great friends. Who could ask for anything more?? But I do, I want more.

I don't want to live from week to week, which sometimes I feel that I do. I want to have some real goals for myself and push myself to accomplish them. I want to continue to discover who I am and who Jarrod and I are together. I want to focus on and develop the things I love and not just "float along."

So I've been thinking about the things I'd like to accomplish while I'm 25...
*I want to be content in my job and find a good place where I'm happy with what I'm doing... no matter what it is.
*I want to expand my cooking expertise. Basically I'd like to be more comfortable working without a recipe and just ingredients!
*Open a Roth IRA. This may be a long shot, but I've always said I wanted to start one before I turned 26, so it's my last chance.
*Finally, I just want to enjoy being young and in love. We're still celebrating our first year of marriage and I just want to live in that moment of growing together while we're not tied down with other responsibilities. I'm definitely looking forward to starting a family someday, but I have the rest of my life to experience that, so I want to really take advantage of the time we have now.

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