Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

I love the start of a new year. Yesterday, I actually heard a couple of people ask why we celebrate the start of the new year, since it doesn't have any actual significance as other holidays like the birth of our Savior or our country declaring it's independence. But I thing there is a lot of significance in the new year. I believe I've mentioned before how big of a fan I am of "starting over" and having that chance for a clean slate. I think that's what the new year brings. Even though most resolutions will last about a week before they're abandoned completely, each new year is a chance to reflect over the past 12 months and decide what we want to change in the 12 months ahead.

Personally, I'm planning on changing a lot of things. I've got some big things in the works, but, unfortunately, I can't talk about them on here yet. Give me a few more weeks and I'll fill you all in. But I got a new desk from my parents for Christmas, so Jarrod is planning on getting that all set up tomorrow while he's off work. I'm uber excited about having my own writing space. I think it's just what I need to get me going on some writing. My own space where I can post up my goals and be more motivated. It's hard to get motivated on the couch and the office area is really Jarrod's and isn't particularly conducive to inspiration.

I'm planning on having some sort of plan set up for my writing. Perhaps a list of goals to accomplish in a certain amount of time. I'm not quite sure how I want to set it up yet, but I'll figure it out soon.

I've signed up for a creative writing class this year at Wake Tech. It starts in March and I couldn't be more excited! It's definitely going to be a challenge, but I'm really looking forward to it. It's so much easier to be motivated when you have others there with you. FYI, I've given up on the idea of completing a master's degree, at least for the time being. I don't think this is the right time in our lives and I'm not quite prepared for that sort of commitment to school. I think Jarrod and I have too many other things that we want to accomplish and focus on in the next couple of years.

One of my wants for this year is I want to learn how to sew. I thinking maybe if things go well with the creative writing course that I can take a sewing one after I finish that one. Or else, if my mom has any time free up, maybe she could get me started. We'll have to see. This is one of those that will have to wait until later in the year to get lined up, but I really do hope it works out.

I'm also planning on having a healthy year. I know I'm not starting it out on the best foot, but I'm at the point where the new meds should really be making a difference (and some things are definitely changing there... still have to come to a complete conclusion though) and I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude. (I'm also hoping that some of those changes I mentioned before help out.) One thing I've learned in my life is the importance of a positive attitude. If you wanna feel sorry for yourself and complain and never get out of bed, then you're going to feel cruddy and never get out of bed. It's pretty easy to fall into that trap. I've definitely done it before. But that's now how I want to live my life. So even on days when I may not be feeling up to it, I'm trying to keep my commitments and keep doing what I want to do. Not to the point of wearing myself out, but just not giving up on the things I love because I'm not feeling 100%.

Another "want" for this year, is I do want to start exercising. Notice I did not say "exercising more" because I don't exercise at all. It's pretty sad. If we can work out the timing, Jarrod and I have discussing going together to the gym a couple of times a week. I'm not making this a goal, because, let's be honest, making exercising goal for the new year is just asking for failure! But this is one of those things I hope I find the time and motivation to accomplish this year, since exercising is a healthy habit and I need all of the extra healthiness I can get.

Also, I'm starting today of a read through the Bible in a year plan. I haven't read through the whole Bible in such a long time, and what a better time to start a new plan than January 1.

OK, this post is getting dangerously long, so to sum it all up:

1. Start writing at my new desk and set up a plan to keep me on track with my writing.
2. Have a healthy year (perhaps with some exercising...)
3. Read through the Bible in a year, plus just do a lot more reading of some legitimate books.
4. Learn to sew.

I told you, keeping it simple. Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Jon got me a sewing machine for Christmas so I'm actually looking at taking a sewing class at wtcc in Feb, I'll let you know how it goes! Happy New Year and good luck with your goals!


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